Machine learning Made Easy !!!/Image
Here we show the sample of Speed Recognition in Signboard using MATLAB.
In Basic Image Consider as Matrix, it’s have a values for Color Images like R, G, B.Single Value for gray-scale Images.
From figure we have easily understand the process. we have explain little bit with MATLAB code.
It is Have simple steps like 1. Pre-processing 2. Region of Interest/Circle Detection 3. Feature Extraction 4. Classification
Step 1: Preprocess (src_img)
R2 =double (src_img (i, i, 1));
G2 =double (src_img (i, i, 2));
B2 =Double (src_img (i, i, 3));
Ohm RB=max(R/(R+G+B),B/(R+G+B))
Normally Image as 8 bit unsigned integer format. we need to convert double for mathematical operation.
f = im2bw (ohm RB);
f = bwareaopen(f,50);
simply apply binary segment with morphology open operation
Step2: ROI(Circle Verification)
IC = max(sqrt((xi-xc)2 +(yi-yc)2)- R)
if(IC<6.0) //approximatically
No Circle Objects Detected
a) (xi-xc)2 + (yi-yc)2 = R2
Step 3: Feature Extraction
It’s nothing but extract may be intensity, texture, shape, color related feature value.Here we use texture properties using Histogram and gradients.
Step 4: SVM Training
It’s a classifier for easy understanding:
Y=Wi*X + bi;
Wi =Weight Value
X =Feature
bi =bias value
Training is simply identify weight value of Wi & bi
We know Wi & bi from that we easily identify X.
Step 5: Classifier (SVM)
Support Vector Machine
Step 6: Result
Classified Result as 60 Km/hr,20 Km/hr or No Detection
It’s easily connect with video as i/p and connect through embedded unit as output.
The Source Code Updated in Below link
Thank you For Reading :)